East Doncaster Baptist Church depends on the voluntary tithes and other gifts of our congregation members. Giving to EDBC sustains the ministry of our church, enabling us to share the love of God in our local community and beyond. EDBC also receives gifts from beyond our congregation from time to time.
Visiting East Doncaster Baptist? Please be assured that there is absolutely no expectation that guests will contribute financially. Your presence is a gift in itself.
1. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER Weekly or monthly EFT gifts are the most efficient way to support EDBC financially.
2. OFFERTORY ENVELOPES OR CASH AT SUNDAY SERVICES Weekly offertory envelopes are available in the church
3. GIVEWAY Giveway is a giving facility that facilitates anonymous tithes and offerings for EDBC operated by Baptist Financial Services Australia. It charges 40 cents and 1.5% of card transactions. There is no charge for direct debits.
4. TITHE.LY Tithe.ly is an American based credit and debit card giving facility associated with the Church Management Software used by EDBC. It charges 30 cents and 1.9% of card transactions.
5. BEQUESTS Bequests made through your will are normally arranged by your legal advisor. You may designate specific amounts, a percentage of your estate or make EDBC a residual beneficiary of your estate. An unencumbered bequest is the most flexible way to bless EDBC’s future work and ministry.
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