Child Safe Policy

East Doncaster Baptist Church

EDBC Child Safe Policy

Preventing child abuse is both an individual and collective responsibility of the Baptist Union of Victoria (herein known as BUV) and East Doncaster Baptist Church (herein known as EDBC).

We keep children safe first and foremost because of our understanding that all children are precious to God, and we as a church have a responsibility to care for them and keep them safe. We also keep children safe in response to a range of external standards and regulations such as the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse and the Victorian Government’s Child Safe Standards. Our policy is based on the BUV’s recommendations for a Child Safe Policy.

This policy sets out EDBC’s clear commitment to zero tolerance of child abuse, and the creation of a safe and just culture. EDBC is guided in its operation by a suite of related policies and procedures in addition to this Child Safe Policy.

A summary of how this policy relates to the BUV Standards, the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the Royal Commission Elements have been tabulated, as a Compliance Matrix, in Appendix 1.

Guiding documentation may be found in Appendix 2. Definitions of terms used in this policy are set out in Appendix 3.  More information explaining child abuse is in Appendix 4.    For complete policy, click here.


East Doncaster Baptist Church takes the safety of all people

Seriously. We are particularly aware of the needs of young people and  vulnerable people. If anything concerns you or worries you, you can speak to any of the leaders or speak to Jenny Tuck who is the designated Safe Church person for our church.   Phone 9842 8466 or email


Child Safe Policy PDF